Upgrading an ionic application to 3.7.0


Upgrading an ionic application

Ionic 3.7.0 is released with lots of bug fixes, improvements and angular HTTPClient.

You can find out more info from changelog.

Upgrading an ionic application to 3.7.0:

Upgrade Instructions:

Now, to upgrade your existing ionic application to 3.7.0, run the following command.

<br />npm install -g ionic@latest<br /><br />npm install ionic-angular@3.7.0 --save<br /><br />npm install @ionic/app-scripts@3.0.0 --save-dev<br /><br />npm install @angular/core@4.4.3 --save<br /><br />npm install @angular/common@4.4.3 --save<br /><br />npm install @angular/compiler@4.4.3 --save<br /><br />npm install @angular/compiler-cli@4.4.3 --save<br /><br />npm install @angular/forms@4.4.3 --save<br /><br />npm install @angular/http@4.4.3 --save<br /><br />npm install @angular/platform-browser@4.4.3 --save<br /><br />npm install @angular/platform-browser-dynamic@4.4.3 --save<br /><br />npm install rxjs@5.4.3 --save<br /><br />npm install zone.js@0.8.17 --save<br /><br />


Note:if you are using any other angular libraries then you need to upgrade those libraries to 4.4.3.

Then it is preferable to delete node_modules folder and again install all the packages using this command:

npm install


Running Application:

Now, you can run the application using following command in browser:

ionic serve

If you find the following error:

Uncaught ReferenceError: webpack.Jsonp is not defined

Then, Add vendor.js script file  just before main.js script file in index.html file as below:

<br /> <script src="build/polyfills.js"></script><br /><mark> <script src="build/vendor.js"></script></mark><br />  <script src="build/main.js"></script>

I hope you like this Upgrading an ionic application to 3.7.0 article.

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